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Mathematical Statistics and Limit Theorems : Festschrift in Honour of Paul Deheuvels (2015, Hardcover) by download ebook DOC, DJV, EPUB


This Festschrift in honor of Paul Deheuvels 65th birthday compiles recent research results in the area between mathematical statistics and probability theory with a special emphasis on limit theorems. The book brings together contributions from invited international experts to provide an up-to-date survey of the field.Written in textbook style, this collection of original material addresses researchers, PhD and advanced Master students with a solid grasp of mathematical statistics and probability theory.", This Festschrift in honour of Paul Deheuvels 65th birthday compiles recent research results in the area between mathematical statistics and probability theory with a special emphasis on limit theorems. The book brings together contributions from invited international experts to provide an up-to-date survey of the field.Written in textbook style, this collection of original material addresses researchers, PhD and advanced Master students with a solid grasp of mathematical statistics and probability theory."

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April 2001552 pages, 6 1/8 x 9 1/4, bibl., index cloth 0-253-33839-5 $65.00 L / 50.00paper 0-253-21432-7 $27.50 s / 21.00 ContentsAcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart One: Knowing through the Body: The Path of Ritual1.Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader., One of America's most accomplished entrepreneurs--a pioneer who made the Internet part of everyday life and orchestrated the largest merger in the history of business--shares a roadmap for how anyone can succeed in a world of rapidly changing technology.She's proof that you can be a huge success without giving up your spirit of adventure or distinctive style.Faced with expensive house prices in a near-zero interest rate world, it'e(tm)s time Canadians heard the virtues of renting and seriously considered renting as an alternative to home ownership.Meet people and communicate easily?Each chapter is written by experts on the respective topics, including: Sets of desirable gambles; Coherent lower (conditional) previsions; Special cases and links to literature; Decision making; Graphical models; Classification; Reliability and risk assessment; Statistical inference; Structural judgments; Aspects of implementation (including elicitation and computation); Models in finance; Game- theoretic probability; Stochastic processes (including Markov chains); Engineering applications.A young untested lawyer named Paul Cravath, fresh out of Columbia Law School, takes a case that seems impossible to win.Why is a course on ancient Chinese philosophers one of the most popular at Harvard?This is the sacred journey we all share, the journey to the Light that shines at the heart of all our lives., The famed Peaceful Warrior confronts new challenges and emerges triumphant.Rankin teaches us how to map our own courage-cultivating journey, write a personalized Prescription for Courage, and step into a more authentic life., "As a culture, we are so scared, we're not just making ourselves miserab≀ we're making ourselves sick.Since the subject is critical in so many applications from insurance to telecommunications to bioinformatics, the authors have collected more than 200 worked examples and examination questions with complete solutions to help students develop a deep understanding of the subject rather than a superficial knowledge of sophisticated theories.With practical teachings and detailed instructions, Ken Wilber introduces Integral Mindfulness, a new way of practicing the widely popular meditation.