Josue Guébo - My Country, Tonight in FB2, TXT, PDF


Josue Guebo's MY COUNTRY, TONIGHT offers English- language readers their first sustained encounter with one of the important contemporary poets of the Ivory Coast and Francophone Africa. Translated with superb nuance and verve by Todd Fredson, who also provides an insightful introduction to the collection, Guebo's poems present a stirring, condensed and often ironic vision of his country's long colonial and post- independence struggle for cultural, political and economic sovereignty, against the power-plays of the neoliberal West and global capitalism. Both lyric and polemic, MY COUNTRY, TONIGHT, by tear ing] the names open for us," adds new depth to our post-colonial understanding of recent Ivorian history and enriches our appreciation of African poetry today." John Keene", Josué Guébo's MY COUNTRY, TONIGHT offers English- language readers their first sustained encounter with one of the important contemporary poets of the Ivory Coast and Francophone Africa. Translated with superb nuance and verve by Todd Fredson, who also provides an insightful introduction to the collection, Guébo's poems present a stirring, condensed and often ironic vision of his country's long colonial and post- independence struggle for cultural, political and economic sovereignty, against the power-plays of the neoliberal West and global capitalism. Both lyric and polemic, MY COUNTRY, TONIGHT, by tear[ing] the names open for us," adds new depth to our post-colonial understanding of recent Ivorian history and enriches our appreciation of African poetry today."John Keene, Poetry. African Studies. Translated by Todd Fredson. "Josué Guébo's MY COUNTRY, TONIGHT offers English- language readers their first sustained encounter with one of the important contemporary poets of the Ivory Coast and Francophone Africa. Translated with superb nuance and verve by Todd Fredson, who also provides an insightful introduction to the collection, Guébo's poems present a stirring, condensed and often ironic vision of his country's long colonial and post- independence struggle for cultural, political and economic sovereignty, against the power-plays of the neoliberal West and global capitalism. Both lyric and polemic, MY COUNTRY, TONIGHT, by 'tear[ing] the names open for us,' adds new depth to our post-colonial understanding of recent Ivorian history and enriches our appreciation of African poetry today."John Keene

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Poetry came naturally to Ovid, who at his best is lively, graphic and lucid.The contributors address the poems in a variety of ways, each according to the nature of the work under consideration and its particular relation to Greek philosophy.To register for and use Pearson's MyLab &(Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide.S. Eliot, Seamus Heaney and many others.Chana Kronfeld focuses on the stylistic implications of Amichai's poetic philosophy and on what she describes as his "acerbic critique of ideology." She rescues Amichai's poetry from complacent appropriations, showing in the process how his work obliges us to rethink major issues in literary studies, including metaphor, intertextuality, translation, and the politics of poetic form.How that happened is the riveting story of Dreamland .The first part of the book examines the implications of reading and writing as themselves political acts; the second interrogates the politics inherent or implied in Byron's poems and plays; the third follows the trajectory of his political engagement (or non-engagement), from his abortive early career in the British House of Lords, via the Peninsular War in Spain to his involvement in revolutionary politics abroad., 'e~It is no great matter, supposing that Italy could be liberated, who or what is sacrificed.The memoirs of Joe Appiah cover a momentous sixty year period of African colonialism and Ghanian independence.Structured as a set of slapstick theatrical acts borrowing from American burlesque and minstrel traditions, the work moves from lyric intimacy to predatory rage, examining the "textures" of feeling available to marginalized bodies in a globalized world.To this end the book is part historical overview, part close textual analysis, of poems which exhibit this phenomenon, from their origins in Renaissance sonnet cycles to contemporary popular songs.Widely hailed as a narrative unique in the history of Arabic literature, the ?ik?yahalso reflects a much larger tradition of banquet texts.In Origins of the Dream , Miller lifts that veil and shows how Hughes's revolutionary poetry became a measurable inflection in King's voice.The book offers an alternative account of many of romanticism's foundational concepts, like home, genius, creativity, and organicism, arguing that it is not poetry, but a certain conception of romanticism that leads to misunderstanding.